Council Chambers
2021 Division Road N
Kingsville, Ontario N9Y 2Y9

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needs please contact the Clerk at [email protected]

We acknowledge the Three Fires Confederacy (Ojibwe, Potawatomie and Odawa) and the Traditional ancestral, unceded territory of Caldwell First Nation; the original people of Point Pelee, Pelee Island and its surrounding waters. We recognize and respect the First Nations who are stewards of the land and waters of Turtle Island and who have embraced this stewardship since time immemorial. We would like to acknowledge other nearby First Nations Communities and First Nations across Turtle Island.

The National Anthem will be performed by music students from Gosfield North Central Public School.  The students in attendance are:

  • Kinsleigh McLean
  • Jocelyn Root
  • Claire Osborne
  • Janessa Willms
  • Callum Brett
  • Tessa Vermast

When a member of Council has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter which is the subject of consideration at this Meeting of Council (or that was the subject of consideration at the previous Meeting of Council at which the member was not in attendance), the member shall disclose the pecuniary interest and its general nature, prior to any consideration of the matter.

  • Recommended Action

    1. That consent application B-2023-1 to sever an existing dwelling, deemed surplus to the needs of the applicants’ farming operation on a 0.78 ha (1.928 ac.) lot shown as Parts 1 & 2 on the applicants’ sketch, known as 1520 Road 5 W, in the Town of Kingsville, BE APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:


    a) That a reference plan be deposited in the registry office, both an electronic and paper copy of the registered plan is to be provided to the Town.

    b) That any special assessment imposed pursuant to the provisions of the Local Improvement Act and/or Municipal Act be paid in full along with all municipal taxes.

    c) That any necessary drainage apportionments be undertaken.

    d) That as a result of the severance, owners shall become liable by way of up front monies for the assessment and taxation of their properties for any waterworks or sanitary sewer systems affecting their properties, in accordance with the Fees By-law in effect on the date of certification of the deed.

    e) The zoning of the retained parcel be amended to prohibit future dwellings prior to certification (ZBA-2023-6).

    f) That the applicant provide confirmation to the satisfaction of the Town the location of any existing septic systems in relation to the revised lot line locations.

    g) That the necessary deed(s), transfer or changes be submitted in triplicate, signed and fully executed (no photocopies), including a copy of the reference plan, prior to certification.

    h) That each parcel have access to Road 5 W or Road 6 W and the applicant acquire an entrance or encroachment permit for access to both parcels to the satisfaction of the Town as applicable.

    i) That the applicant register an easement for mutual access over Part 2, and an easement for utilities over Part 3, if separate accesses are not completed, to the satisfaction of the Town.

    j)The conditions imposed above shall be fulfilled by April 24, 2025 or this application shall be deemed to be refused in accordance with Section 53(41) of the Planning Act.

    2. By-law 29-2023 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 1-2014, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Town of Kingsville be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.


  • Recommended Action

    1. That consent application B/37/22 to sever an existing dwelling, deemed surplus to the needs of the applicants’ farming operation on a 0.81 ha (1.99 ac.) lot shown as Parts 1 & 2 on the applicants’ sketch, known as 614 County Road 8, in the Town of Kingsville, BE APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:


    a) That a reference plan be deposited in the registry office, both an electronic and paper copy of the registered plan is to be provided to the Town.

    b) That any special assessment imposed pursuant to the provisions of the Local Improvement Act and/or Municipal Act be paid in full along with all municipal taxes.

    c) That any necessary drainage apportionments be undertaken.

    d) That as a result of the severance, owners shall become liable by way of up front monies for the assessment and taxation of their properties for any waterworks or sanitary sewer systems affecting their properties, in accordance with the Fees By-law in effect on the date of certification of the deed.

    e) The zoning of the retained parcel be amended to prohibit future dwellings prior to certification (ZBA-2023-07).

    f) That the applicant provide confirmation to the satisfaction of the Town the location of any existing septic systems in relation to the revised lot line locations.

    g) That the necessary deed(s), transfer or changes be submitted in triplicate, signed and fully executed (no photocopies), including a copy of the reference plan, prior to certification.

    h) That each parcel have their own access to County Road 8 or Graham Side Road and the applicant acquire an entrance or encroachment permit for access to both parcels to the satisfaction of the Town or County of Essex as applicable.

    i) The conditions imposed above shall be fulfilled by April 24, 2025 or this application shall be deemed to be refused in accordance with Section 53(41) of the Planning Act.

    2. By-law 30-2023 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 1-2014, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Town of Kingsville be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.


  • Recommended Action

    1. That Zoning By-law amendment application ZBA-2023-9 to amend the zoning on the subject parcel in the Town of Kingsville from Residential Zone 3 Urban, “R3.1” to a site-specific Residential Zone 3 Urban Exception 23, “R3.1-23” to permit two Townhouse dwellings BE APPROVED with the following:

    a)a Retirement Home be permitted as an additional use;

    b)two Townhouse dwellings with a maximum of 6 Townhouse dwelling units each (12 units total);

    c)minimum parking space requirement for the site is 58 spaces; and,

    2. By-law 31-2023 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 1-2014, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Town of Kingsville be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.

(Report to follow)

Council will be considering the award of Kingsville Arena – Ice Slab Replacement Project Tender.

  • Recommended Action
    1. That the Kingsville Arena – Ice Slab Replacement Project Tender BE AWARDED to Ball Construction for $1,380,860.00 (excluding HST) beginning May 1, 2023 and subject to content review by the Director of Community and Development Services, legal review by the Town Solicitor, and financial review by the Town Treasurer, the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute the requisite agreement.
  • Recommended Action
    1. That the Official Plan 5-Year Conformity Review, attached as Appendix “A”, and associated Official Plan Schedules “A”, “A-1”, “A-2”, “B”, “B1”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “G” and “H” and Official Plan Appendices “A”, “B”, and “C”, as presented and updated to respond to comments from the County of Essex BE ADOPTED; and

    2. That Administration BE DIRECTED to forward the updated plan to the County of Essex for final approval; and

    3. That By-law 32-2023 being a by-law to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Kingsville be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.
  • Recommended Action
    1. That By-Law 24-2023 being a by-law for the establishment of the 2023 final tax levy be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.

No reports at this time. 

No reports at this time.

No reports at this time.

  • Recommended Action
    1. That the Flag Policy BE APPROVED, as amended.

That Council clarify the following motion from April 17 Committee of the Whole:

That Heritage Committee BE DIRECTED to pursue research of heritage properties on Main Street for possible heritage designation.


  • Recommended Action

    That By-law 33-2023 be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same. 

Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Kingsville at its April 24, 2023 Meeting of Council.

Pursuant to section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council will enter into Closed Session to address the following items:

ITEM I - Personal Matter - Section 239(2)(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and Section 3.1 education and training.

  • Recommended Action

    That Council adjourns this Regular Meeting at  p.m.

No Item Selected