Unico Community Centre
37 Beech Street
Kingsville, ON N9Y 1A9

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We acknowledge the Three Fires Confederacy (Ojibwe, Potawatomie and Odawa) and the Traditional ancestral, unceded territory of Caldwell First Nation; the original people of Point Pelee, Pelee Island and its surrounding waters. We recognize and respect the First Nations who are stewards of the land and waters of Turtle Island and who have embraced this stewardship since time immemorial. We would also like to acknowledge all the moccasins who have walked lands of Turtle Island.

When a member of Council has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter which is the subject of consideration at this Meeting of Council (or that was the subject of consideration at the previous Meeting of Council at which the member was not in attendance), the member shall disclose the pecuniary interest and its general nature, prior to any consideration of the matter.​

Tim Byrne, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer, Essex Region Conservation Authority, appearing before Council to present ERCA's 2025 Draft Budget.

  • Recommended Action

    That Council approve By-law 4-2025 and By-Law 5-2025, being by-laws to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law for the Town of Kingsville, and increase maximum heights permitted in the Main Street Neighbourhood and Main Street Gateway East Zones from 14.5 m (4 storeys) to 22 m (6 storeys).

  • Recommended Action

    That Council approve the final acceptance and assumption of the roadway and infrastructure for the Oakglen Subdivision.

  • Recommended Action

    That Council adopt the Parks Plan, and Parkland Dedication By-law (13-2025), which establishes parkland dedication and payment cash-in-lieu rates for residential and non-residential development, in accordance with the Planning Act.

  • Recommended Action

    That Council reconsider Resolution 189-08142023, in part, wherein Council approved the actions recommended by the Committee of the Whole on July 17, 2023, which included direction that:

    1. Administration develop an agreement with Lions Club for use of an alternative facility, as possible;
    2. That Lions Hall be demolished after all tenants have been given reasonable time to relocate; and,
    3. That Administration construct an accessible washroom for Lions Park, subject to capital budget.
  • Recommended Action

    That Council directs Administration to rehabilitate Lions Hall located at 21 Mill Street West, Kingsville, subject to capital budget, as opposed to demolishing it, as previously directed;

    And that Council directs Administration to indefinitely suspend plans to construct an accessible washroom at Lions Park, as previously directed;

    And further that Council authorizes Administration to enter into the following Agreements for the use and lease of Lions Hall:

    1. An Agreement with The Lions Club of Kingsville, for non-exclusive use of the West Hall, at no cost, for a period of ten (10) years; and,
    2. A Lease Agreement with the Kingsville Community Food Bank, for exclusive use of the South Unit, for ten (10) years.
  • Recommended Action

    That the road closures of King St. (from Chestnut St to Division St N), Chestnut St (from King St. to Main St)., and Walnut St. (from Chestnut St. to the north exit of the library-adjacent municipal parking lot) for the Kingsville Block Party be approved on the following dates and times:

    1. ​Saturday, July 19, 2025, from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm 
    2. Saturday, August 16, 2025, from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm 
    3. Saturday, September 20, 2025, from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm

    And that Administration be directed to request County Council to close County Road 34 West from Victoria Street to Country Road 27 from 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm, to host events in Cottam on Saturday, June 21, 2025;

    And that the implementation of a $50 vendor registration fee for all participating marketplace vendors be approved. 

  • Recommended Action

    That Council approve the closure of Jasperson Lane (old Jasperson) to traffic on July 1, 2025, from 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm for Canada Day events;

    And that Council approve the closure of Jasperson Lane (old Jasperson) to traffic on September 30, 2025, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm for the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation event.

  • Recommended Action

    That Council endorses the Municipality of Leamington to act on behalf of the Town of Kingsville as “host” for its provision of transit services for the purposes of the 2023-2024 Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation;

    And that Council directs the Acting Manager of Municipal Governance and Clerk to provide the Municipality of Leamington with a certified copy of this resolution which is to be returned with the Letter of Agreement to the Ministry of Transportation.

  • Recommended Action

    That the following By-laws be given three readings and finally pass:

    4-2025 - Being a By-law to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Kingsville

    5-2025 - Being a By-law to amend the Town of Kingsville Comprehensive Zoning By-law 1-2014 with respect to the entire Town of Kingsville

    13-2025 – Being a By-law to provide for the dedication of parkland or the payment in lieu thereof for all development or redevelopment in the Town

    14-2025 - Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Kingsville at its February 10, 2025, Regular Meeting of Council.

  • Recommended Action

    That Council adjourns this Regular Meeting at  p.m.