That the Subdivision Agreement for Kings Valley at the Lake (Valente) Subdivision in the Town of Kingsville for 149 single detached dwelling lots, 28.5 blocks for a total of 434 semi-detached dwelling units, 4.5 blocks for a total of 59 townhouse dwelling units, 1 commercial block, and 2 blocks for parkland BE APPROVED;
And that the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute the agreement;
And that Administration BE DIRECTED to register the agreement on title;
And that corresponding By-law 80-2024 to amend the zoning on Phase 1 of the Draft Plan of Subdivision in the Town of Kingsville from Lakeshore Residential Exception 31 (holding) (LR-31(h))’ to ‘Lakeshore Residential Exception 31 (LR-31)’; and from Lakeshore Residential Exception 32 (holding) (LR-32(h))’ to ‘Lakeshore Residential Exception 32 (LR-32)’ BE ADOPTED during the by-law section of this council agenda.