Pursuant to section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council entered into Closed Session at 5:00 pm on October 10, 2023 to address the following item:
Item I - Southwest Water Service Area/West Side Collector Road heard under Section 239(2)(f). The decision of Council on this matter was heard later that evening in public session.
Pursuant to section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, Council entered into Closed Session at 12:30 pm on October 11, 2023 to address the following items:
Item I - Albuna Townline Update heard under Section 239(2)(f). There is nothing further to report.
Item II - Road Closures due to Highway 3 Construction heard under Section 239(2)(e). There is nothing further to report.
Item III - Towing Contract heard under Section 239(2)(f). There is nothing further to report.
Item IV - 183 Main Street heard under Section 239(2)(k) and (f). There is nothing further to report.
Item V - Fire Department Update heard under Section 239(2)(b), (d), (e), and (f).There is nothing further to report.
Item VI - 2 Personnel Matters heard under Section 239(2)(b) and (d). There is nothing further to report.
Item VII - 2 Potential Property Lease/Sales heard under Section 239(2)(c), (f), and (k). There is nothing further to report.
Item VIII - ELK Update heard under Section 239(2)(i). There is nothing further to report.
Item IX - Role of Mayor, Council and Administration heard under Section 239(3.1). There is nothing further to report.