That Council:
Adopt Official Plan Amendment No. 9 (OPA 9) to add site-specific policies with the existing Lakeshore Residential West designation on the subject parcel, known as 700 County Road 20, Part of Lots 10 and 11, Concession 1 WD, Parts 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 13, RP 12R 26991 to permit a multi-unit dwelling, maximum of 96 units together with an accessory commercial use (stay-and-play) and direct administration to forward the amendment to the County of Essex for final approval;
Approve Zoning By-law amendment application ZBA/27/18, to implement OPA 9 and amended the existing Lakeshore Residential Exception 29 (holding), LR-29(h) to add multi-unit dwelling, 96 units, maximum as an additional permitted use and an accessory stay-and-play (hotel), and adopt the implementing by-law subject to final approval of OPA 9 by the County of Essex.