That the Committee of Adjustment and Appeals approve consent application B-2025-1 for 1871 Heritage Road, in the Town of Kingsville, to create two additional residential lots, each 1,400 square metres (15,070 square feet) in size, and establish three permanent service easements as shown on the Applicant’s Draft Survey, subject to the following conditions:
- Prior to consent being endorsed on the deeds, the property owners provide the following to be reviewed to the satisfaction of the Municipality:
- proof of permits from the County of Essex to establish one driveway on each of the severed parcels, with the existing driveway remaining with the retained parcel;
- a lot grading plan, submitted at least three months prior to stamping deeds, to serve the lands being conveyed, and the lands being retained, with the cost of such drainage being solely at the expense of the Applicant;
- a completed building permit or demolition permit to confirm that the existing garage on the property has been demolished or converted into a primary residential dwelling;
- private locates to confirm that there are no existing municipal services that cross the new property lines;
- extension of the sanitary main to the proposed severed and retained lots, including top-end manhole for Municipal maintenance.
- That the necessary deed(s), transfer or changes be submitted electronically, signed and fully executed, including a copy of the reference plan, prior to certification.
- The conditions imposed above shall be fulfilled by February 18, 2027, or this application shall be deemed to be refused in accordance with Section 53(41) of the Planning Act.