R. Brown, Manager of Planning Services
i) Notice of Public Meeting to Consider an Application for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, dated June 17, 2019;
ii) Report of R. Brown, dated July 2, 2019;
iii) Proposed By-law 66-2019, being a By-law to amend the Official Plan of the Town of Kingsville (Official Plan Amendment No. 9);
iv) Proposed By-law 67-2019, being a By-law to amend By-law No. 1-2014, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Town of Kingsville (ZBA/27/18; Part of Lots 10 and 11, Concession 1 WD, 700 County Road 20)
Comments from the audience:
Vern Batte, 97 Crosswinds Blvd. stated that he is a property owner and one of the four Presidents representing the four Crosswinds Condominium Associations. He presented the correspondence from the Crosswinds Condominium Residents marked as Appendix E in the Planning Report, reiterating key points and concerns as detailed therein.